Alright! I started the 100 Happy People challenge yesterday. I am not really sure my results are great. I started the day by encouraging a gentleman(1) who was throwing up in the stall at the McDonalds/Mapco when I stopped for a quick break and sweet tea on my way to Nashville , and concluded it by telling the officer(2) how bright and blinding his blue lights were as he handed me a voucher to make a mandatory donation to the Wilson County government. I am not sure either of these two fellas ended up happier after talking to me, but, hey, I tried.
At least I had this little exchange in the middle of those two experiences with some unknown middle school girl(3). Here’s evidence that she was happy!
So, not sure if I should count this as 1 or 3, but it’s a start! How are you doing?
not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2:4 NIV