Daily Post


I hate to be someone who writes about the weather all the time ( ie old!).  However, the weather this week is so odd that it is on my mind.  As I was driving in to the office today, I spend quite a long period driving through swirling snow flurries.  In Tennessee that is a little odd in November!  But really, I was also reminded of these words from the book of Job where God challenges Job about understanding his glory

“Have you visited the storehouses of the snow or seen the storehouses of hail? Job 38:22 NLT

It’s a pretty sobering thought, and a nice one to consider of this pre-Winter wintery days.

What is also remarkable is as I was driving along thinking about storehouses of snow,  I was listening to a podcast that was discussing the origin of RNA, the manifest of the cell factories.   It was just another reminder of this world and how remarkable the Creator must really be!  Remember the majesty and the control of the Creator of while you stay warm the next few days!