Daily Post

15 or 18 Percent

Did y’all see this story about the couple in Iowa who gave a large tip to an overworked waiter?  That’s pretty cool.  I don’t know anything about this couple, except that they have just provided a great example about how to put others in front of yourself and how to consider those around you as more important than yourself.  But seriously, we’ve all been there, and it is so easy to look inward and wonder why we are not getting good service.  Sure, you are going out, so you deserve it right?  Well, spend a little time thinking about the impact that a gesture like this makes on those around you.

And think about how the Christ sort of said that he expects those who follow him to act that way.  What would it be like if this story was not extraordinary, but ordinary, because those who wear his name realize that this was what we were put here to do!

yeah.. Let’s be Awesome

Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16 (NASB)

Daily Post

Counting Monday

1,440 minutes today. That’s all you’re getting. Make ’em count.

teach us to keep account of our days so we may develop inner wisdom. Ps 90:12