counting marbles Daily Post

Counting Marbles – 52

It’s the first Friday of 2014, which means the first weekend of 2014 is right upon us.  There are only 52 of these bad boys this year, so let’s make each of them count!  That’s sort of the thing you do when you plan to spend the year focused on doing.

Speaking of counting, I found this great app that allows you to count down to an event or a time period.  It’s based on the common practice of placing marbles in a jar and removing one each day or each week as a visual reminder of the time that you (might) have left.  You can see the app here.  Download it and start marking the time you have.  It’s a great motivator.

I know I shared this verse just a few weeks ago, but for some reason it is at the forefront of my mind, so it doesn’t hurt to consider it again.  Especially as we approach the end of week number 1.


12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.  Psalm 90:12 (KJV)