Daily Post

80 Long

Andrew had his first junior high football game last night. He is playing wide receiver and running in the play calls, just like I did many years ago!  Watching his games has taken me back to my playing days and has brought back a few of my football memories.  However, one in particular stands out – the 80 long play.

For those who don’t know – 80 long  is when the wide receiver runs straight down the sideline – way down the sideline –  like to the end zone down the sideline, and the quarterback rolls out and throws it to him.  The intent – the long bomb for a touchdown – and the cheers of the crowd, and FOOTBALL GLORY!

So, I remember Coach Wilson calling 80 Long in my ear hole.  As I ran towards the huddle I realized that this play was coming to me!  This was MY chance at glory.

I tore off down the side line, got past the cornerback, arrived in the endzone and turned over my out side shoulder for the ball.  And there was the ball, targeted for my inside shoulder!  Oh No!  In horror I watched the ball fall aimlessly to the ground.  Which in this case what a gravel track in the corner of the end zone. And dejected I ran back to the sideline.

I never ran 80 long into the huddle again.

So, I am sure I will recall that day until I pass from this world, but I can tell you I don’t dwell on the failure.  I mean really,  we all fail at things.  Here are two things that I do think about when I think about 80 long.

If I didn’t try at all, I wouldn’t even have this lousy sad story,  although the touchdown story would have been better.  (And hey, is it not better to learn early that you really aren’t good at something?)  The lesson there – Always Try.

and secondly, failure doesn’t define you – dwelling in failure does.  That missed touchdown has no bearing on the person I am today.  I have a memory, but really, I moved on, and have had tons of success.  The lesson there- failures is a part of the process.

So, what am I trying to say today?  We all have our 80 long, but , just like Paul,  we need to leave them behind and keep straining toward what really matters.

13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,  Philippians 3:13  New International Version (NIV)

Daily Post

Quick Abs

When you watch the Olympics over the last few weeks you say way too many abdominal muscles. Yes, the ladies where showing 6 pack abs and flat tummies in almost every sport.  That seems to have produced some ab-envy in a lot of women (and men) around the world.  In the UK, the demand for liposuction services has greatly increased, and I find this quote recording in the U.K.’s Daily Mail from Donnamarie McBride, owner of LoveLite clinic owner just fascinating:

Since the Olympics started we’ve had a lot of women coming to us with pictures of Jessica Ennis saying they want to have a torso similar to hers, but they have said they need a bit of extra help because they struggle to get down to those levels with just a couple of gym sessions a week. … They all said they wanted to have a tummy like Jessica Ennis and they wanted to have it done as soon as we could fit them in.

Hm, instant abs!

Forget all the work all those Olympians put in to develop and tone those muscles – we want it right now!

And as we know about ourselves, we are the same in our spiritual life.  We see those who have great walks with the Creator and we want a relationship like that as well.  But we forget all the discipline and effort and work that it takes to establish those deep relationship and the complete surrender it requires.  In both instances – the physical work of the Olympic ladies and in the spiritual work of many others – they have given away themselves for their goal.

Lets make sure we put the work in we need to put it in  –  there is no spiritual liposuction! And the great thing is spiritually, we already have the promise of the Gold, we are actually working and disciplining ourselves because we have won!

“Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.” 2 Corinthians 7:1 NIV


Daily Post

Get Busy Living

“If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” Romans 14:8 NIV


Let’s get busy living… for the Lord!

Daily Post

Power Up

I just have one thought on my mind today – go do stuff.  And with that I just needed a little admonish from the book of Ephesians – especially chapters 4, 5 and 6 that are really practical about how to go out and do stuff.

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power  Eph 6:10

Be strong as you do whatever you are to do today.

Daily Post


Yesterday morning, being Sunday, meant I was at my normal spot in the worship center, singing songs of praise with the rest of the congregation.  During the middle of this period of collective singing, the worship leader stopped us and reminded us of how much we all admire the great King David.  He expressed the way we relate to David and his hot and cold relationship with God.  Most of you know how one day he was praising God from the mountaintops and the next day he was hiding in a cave, full of sorrow.  And for some reason we can relate.

I agree with the worship leaders words.  For some reason we can relate.  I, personally, admire David’s words in Psalm 51. This is the song he penned after one of his most infamous mistakes – his little affair with the beautiful Bathsheba.

 16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
17 My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart
you, God, will not despise. Psalm 51:16-18  New International Version (NIV)

I usually find comfort in this verse, because I can relate so well with being a broken, imperfect person.

I am, however, just not sure how contrite I am.

Definition of CONTRITE

: feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming

And that is something I need to work on!

How about you?