Daily Post

Out of Place

Many of you know that I am going to try my first triathlon in August.  I have been diligently searching for a bike that I could borrow for the race, since I want to see if I like it before I lay down money for another bike.  Anyway, last week I was able to find and borrow one from a friend of mine – and boy is it a sweet ride.

Anyway, on Saturday morning my training partner suggested we work on the bike/run transition.  He suggested that we meet out at the Chickamauga Battlefield, which is a local haunt for bikers.  When I pulled into the visitors centers, through the exit, by the way, I found the lower lot almost completely full of vehicles.  And every one of these vehicles had some sort of bike carrying device attached.  Several of them had some really really nice bikes still attached to the carriers.  And then there were the people hanging around getting ready.  All of them in their biking outfits and their nice biking shoes – all the cool gear.

Boy, did I feel out-of-place.  Especially since I was pulling up in a pair of basic exercise shorts, and running shoes.  I had asked my friend to replace the clip pedals on his bike with flat pedals. I felt so out-of-place, that I left the parking lot and went down the road to a smaller 3 space lot that I knew about.  Luckily there were two open spots.  Just as I called my training partner to adjust our meeting place, another car pulled in and filled up that lot as well.  So, I had to go back to the main lot.

Curses – Foiled again!

So, I had to go back to the main lot., and awkwardly I got out, get ready, and started off on our ride – which was great.

When we returned and were cooling down, we stood in amazement of the other bikes, bikers and their gear – until we started talking to them.

Yes, they had the gear.  Yes they looked cool. But – they were just like us.  Just some guys out riding to make themselves better.  Some were training for bigger races – some were just beginners like us.  Some rode a farther distance that morning,  some traveled shorter than we did.

But in the end – we were all the same – bikers working to get better.

On Sunday morning, the study group I meet with has been studying Romans 12.  The teacher for the day, via a video, talked about how we all our insecure – and are all searching.

Remember that as you interact with others today.  Despite appearances and approaches, “we all have fallen short of the glory of God”(Romans) and we all are searching.  So disregard the cool gear, or that out-of-place feeling and realize that underneath of all that we are more alike than different.

Let’s work together!


Daily Post

Something to Think About

I have debated with myself this morning about what thought to write and post today. I have thought this morning about how much of a blessing it has been to wake up in a new clean cool safe house, be able to go outside and ride my bike with no fear on nice paved roads, and then to be able to return home to drink clean cool water and to shower in clean heated water that happens to be right at my fingers tips. Not to mention my closet full of choices to wear to my place of employment.
But I was not sure how to write that!
Anyway, since I have bounced around Philippians all week any week, how about another one to end the week. This should give you something to think about!

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8

Daily Post

Put to the Test

Well, yesterday I wrote about team work and making others better.  Then I got an email from the football team mom, asking all parents to come and, of all things, clean up and paint the locker room.

Geesh!  Really!  I have to do that?

I closed the email, and immediately tried to come up with reasons as to why I should not participate.  This morning, as I was chatting with my lovely wife, I brought up this request.

As I grumbled on to her, deep in the back on my mind I remembered the post from yesterday, and this verse

14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, Philippians 2:14 New International Version (NIV)

Why do I think I will show up, paint brush in hand?

Daily Post

Lead Out Man

Last week I was able to wake up everyday and take in the first week of the Tour de France while eating, and lubing up with sun screen for the day. It was quite enjoyable to watch this very impressive event. I have been missing it this week because of work, and because my TV provider does not offer ‘NBCSports whatever’ in my current package (bummer!).

Anyway, the tour is just amazing as you watch the way the racers work together to accomplish the goal. One of my favorites memories from last week can be captured quite well in this picture.

Andre Greipel (Lotto-Belisol) sprints to the stage win in Rouen as lead-out man Greg Henderson is already celebrating in the background.
Photo: © AFP


I love this picture.  The man in front is winning the stage.  But look who is celebrating!  Two of his teammates in the back of the picture!.  That seems incredible.  Teammates who just moments earlier were leading the race, are celebrating their fellow’s victory.

But that was their intent.  They worked the entire 214 KM stage with the intention of letting their man win.  In the final kilometers, the team lines up, each taking their turn pulling the team to victory. Their entire purpose was to work as hard as possible to make some one else better.

What an example!  Who could you be a lead out man for today?

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2:3-4 New International Version (NIV)

Daily Post

Gotta Feed The Dog

This past Saturday I left the solace of paradise ( ie – beach vacation).  Early in the morning we packed up the chairs, bathing suits, ice cream maker and the other beach necessities and headed home.  On our way out of town we pulled in the drive thru at the local McDonald’s – which was, of course, quite busy.

As I whipped around to the drive thru lane, a pickup truck just beat me to the back of the line.  I really didn’t think much about it until a few minutes later.  After placing my order, I was sitting in the bend at the corner of the building.  Each window had a car in front of it, and the aforementioned truck was still in front of me, not yet to the window.  And there we waited.  In terms of a McDonald’s drive thru it really wasn’t that long.  I actually hadn’t even noticed the delay at this point, until I heard an obvious “c’mon’ shouted from a man near by.

My interest peaked, I tried to find the source of this hollering.  A little while later, while we still waited for the line to move I heard another exoneration, from the same voice. I think it was “Let’s Go!” this time.  And I realized it was the man in the truck in front of me letting his irrational with the delay be known throughout the parking lot.

About this time the line started moving, and as the man in his truck approached the window, I could hear something like this coming from his window.

“Hey, hey, hey” he shouted to the woman in the first window as he was still on approach.   He continued ” I need to add another Sausage biscuit!, I gotta feed the dog”.  I cannot express the urgency and frustration in his words.

“I gotta feed to the dog” he repeated.

Sure enough in the passenger seat of his F150, going back and forth was his apparently hungry companion.  All of my companions had a hearty laugh.

It was an odd display, but one that stuck with we the rest of the day.  You all have experienced long periods of interstate travel, and you know that some times there are  traffic situations, slow cars, tailgating drivers, or some other patience testing opportunities waiting to be discovered.  Well, on this day,  each time I realized that I was becoming impatience, I would holler out.

“C’mon driver, I gotta feed the dog!”

And immediately, I would remember how ridiculous my impatience really was, and that a patience approach to the situation is so much better.

All of us find us in places where we are anxious, and stressed and impatience with others.  Our times may not be as telling or out in the open as my drive thru partner, but each one usually ends the same way.  His yelling and aggression did nothing to move the line any faster.  Our impatience probably wont change the situation we are stressing over in any way.

Today, as you interact with others, if you feel yourself growing weary, remember that you have a dog to feed!


14 And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.1 Thessalonians 5:14 New International Version (NIV)
Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love Ephesians 4:2 New Living Translation (©2007)