Daily Post

Get a Different Name Day

Here we are on Valentine’s Eve anticipating the most famous holiday in February, when it seems today bring us two outstanding observances.

Today is Get a Different Name Day.  Which is funny, because yesterday, I was showing Amy the author’s name of a book I am reading.  The book “Erasing Hell” is written by Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle.  That’s right, Sprinkle.  I was telling Amy that she should have a classroom name like artists have stage names.  Could you imagine if your first grade teacher was Mrs. Sprinkle?  That’s an incredible first grade teacher name.

I think I might consider Vladimir VonHoffingburger, or maybe I would choose a last name I didn’t have to spell all the time.  I am going to spend a little time today thinking about something else that might make more sense.  What about you, what name would you choose, if you could choose your name?

Ultimately, I am pretty happy with what good ol’ Mom and Dad choose, but I am glad I was able to get a different name but placing my faith in the Christ

 9But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 New International Version (NIV)

and as it says in Isaiah

And you will be called priests of the LORD, you will be named ministers of our God

That’s a pretty good name to take on, don’t you think!

Oh, today is also Clean Out your Computer Day!  So while you are considering your different name, delete some of those old documents, and clear out that browser history, but don’t delete you bookmark to the Daily Buffet!




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