Daily Post

Lifting Up Others

Old Tim Tebow and his Broncos were beat again this weekend, but there are two events from that game that I think about so much more important than the Patriots dismantling of the Broncos.

First, you may or may not have read the ESPN story last week that referenced some of Tebow’s extra curricular activities around the games.  This I think it worth considering.  It’s seems that Tim Tebow will invite one family that has had some issue in their life ( injury, disability, etc) to the Broncos game. He provides travel to and accommodations at the game.  He gets them on to the field before the game, and gives them great low-level tickets.  He also spends time with them before the game and sometimes up to an hour afterward.

And then during his post game presser Sunday he referenced how much spending time with his guest for that week meant to him.

That’s pretty sincere, and a great example.

Your gifts may not be as extravagant as his gifts, but I think you will be able to be just as impactful.  I think it would be interesting to see from the recipient’s perspective which “gift” held the most meaning.  I am going to guess that the time he spends with them, and the genuine concern he shares with them is probably the best.

So today, lets take another lesson from the young man Tim Tebow, as we watch him live his faith.  I am betting that there are people around you today that you can lift up and impact as well.


 9-11God didn’t set us up for an angry rejection but for salvation by our Master, Jesus Christ. He died for us, a death that triggered life. Whether we’re awake with the living or asleep with the dead, we’re alive with him! So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you’re already doing this; just keep on doing it. 1 Thessalonians 5:11The Message (MSG)

Daily Post

Remembering Dr King

It’s a day out of school, or a day off work from most of you.  I will still be heading in to the ol’ mill today to mosey up to the grindstone.  However, this day, one that at times creates a lot of controversy is one that we should take a moment or two to stop and remember.

I was reading early this weekend about a bit of controversy about a quote on the newly established King Memorial over in the capital.   It’s seems that King gave a sermon one time where he said this

“If you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice, say that I was a drum major for peace. I was a drum major for righteousness. And all of the other shallow things will not matter.”

however, the inscription on this memorial has an abbreviated version, as follows

“I was a drum major for justice, peace, and righteousness.”

Hm, I can take it either way.  To me, memorials, with all the quotes, create an atmosphere where it seems the  honoree speaks to you from faraway when you are there.  And for the most part, from the history I have learned about this man, he was a drum major – leading a march for justice, peace and righteousness.

We all can learn a bit about how to treat others from Dr. King.  And I hope that you also remember that, well, as followers, of the Christ, we have all heard this somewhere before, and maybe we should join in the march as drum majors as well.


8But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do,
what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don’t take yourself too seriously—
take God seriously. Micah 6:8


Daily Post

Freebie Friday

A lot of sites I follow have “Freebie Fridays” where they give away free apps, or other simple design products like icons or images. It’s fun to see the stuff they are offering at the reduced rate of FREE!

Today it’s Freebie Friday at the Buffet – and no it’s not in honor of the 13th. It’s a gentle reminder of the fabulous freedom that abounds for followers of the Christ, and a reminder of how to put that freedom to good use!

 23 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. 24No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.  1 Corinthians 10:23-24 New International Version (NIV)


Enjoy the freedom, I hope others notice how you use it!


Daily Post

Prayer for Peace

Just a simple prayer this morning.

14 Turn from evil and do good;
   seek peace and pursue it.   Psalm 34:14 New International Version (NIV)

Daily Post

Being Uncomfortable

Yesterday I was able to run for the first time in several months. I think I have run maybe 4 or 5 miles total since July. So as a part of this therapy to break down things I was told to run a few miles every other day . Last night I went out for a one miler. Everything felt odd – even my shoes. Every step was uncomfortable – not really because of pain, it just did not feel right. It was just plain awkward.

So here we are on the 11th day of the new year. Many of you are trying new things, many of you are working to change and transform yourself.  And you are probably sitting in a time where you feel really awkward and uncomfortable with what you are doing.    That is how it is when we get out of our comfort zone.  It’s just plain awkward.

But here is what I know – the more I get out there on the roads, the comfort will return, and the growth and strength will return as well.

I think it’s no wonder that Paul equates the Christian life with one of a runner.  Because each day, we must continue to push, continue to change, continue to train, continue to stretch our comfort zones, and we will see change.

Change – not to achieve something, but change that happens ‘in view of His Mercies” that brings glory to the father.

Keep it up.

 24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27 No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.  1 Corinthians 9:24-27  New International Version (NIV)