Last night I was doing my normal poking around the web, following links and trying to forget about how terrible the BCS system is. ( but I am excited my Mountaineers are in the Orange). I decided to take a look at a web site I stumbled upon late last week. It’s a blog of a normal guy, just doing his thing somewhere in Indiana. What I saw on his blog is that he started a group this fall with local businessmen to get together each Friday morning to discuss faith in the workplace. That’s a pretty cool thing. And they have recorded several of these gatherings so that others can listen. That’s pretty cool as well.
So I was watching on of these events last night, really I guess I was listening, while I was doing some busy work, and the speaker mentioned something that I thought I would share with you. As he approached his work days, he mentioned that an idea about heading into the day with just one verse, one thought in mind that we worked on during the day. Well that resonated with me, as I find that approach helps me a lot as well. Then he went on to share several examples that he thought everyone could benefit from focusing on. And that is what I will share with you today, as you head into this first Monday of December.
19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. James 1:19-20
Spend some time thinking about that and see how it impacts your day.