Daily Post

Greatest American Hero

These words keep streaming through my mind today:

Believe or not,

I’m walking on air I never thought I could feel so free,

flying away on a wing and a prayer,

who could it be, believe it or not , it’s just me!

Yes, that’s quite weird.  I am not sure why the ear worm that is singing the theme song for the Greatest America Hero has landed in my head, but it’s there!

It could be because the talk radio guys where talking about real life super heroes yesterday morning.  In fact there is a web site devoted to them –

That’s good stuff.  Some of it is actually quite fascinating and sort of motivating as these people are giving up themselves for others.

But I wonder if you have to put on a super suit to be a super hero.  It seems to me that we can be a super hero to someone each and every day by caring and serving, and treating others with respect.  Look at this

42Those who give one of these little ones a cup of cold water because they are my followers will truly get their reward.”  Matthew 10:42 New Century Version (NCV)

 Watch out for the little things today and be a hero!

However, it sure is a lot of fun to put on that suit as well!!!




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