Daily Post

Friday and Fathers

Here it is again – Friday Friday!  Sadly, this Friday is just not as bouncy and exciting to welcome since Rebecca Black took down her Friday Friday music video from YouTube yesterday.  The good thing is that the song is so ingrained in our brains that we will never be able to forget it!

But hey, it’s still Friday and that is something to get pumped about, and the best part for me is that I finally get to head back to the homestead after finishing up my Atlantic coast tour – starting the week in Orlando and ending up the week in Portland. Unfortunately there were no stops in between!

Oh, and then there’s this little thing this weekend called Father’s Day – which with the advent and popularity of business casual is becoming a much harder day to celebrate.  I mean no more reasons to get a new tie!  I am personally hoping I can celebrate the day with some new boxers and undershirts!  But seriously, it’s a great time to celebrate the importance and power of our fathers not just because “I r one”, but because they have a profound impact on our lives.  And if you don’t mind, I will give a big shout out of thanks to my father, who happens to be a frequent reader of this blog – “Thanks Dad! for your great example and encouragement through out the years!”

So make sure you take a moment to appreciate the fathers that are around you this weekend and remember that Father that we all share – the father and creator of us all, and keep a song in your heart!

“Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before him—his name is the LORD. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” Psalm 68:4-5 NIV

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