Daily Post


Yeah yeah, I have been suckered into American Idol – well not really, I am more of a skimmer.  I watch American Idol like I read a magazine, I start at the back, and I only hit the high spots. But amidst all the fun last night the end was probably the best part.

This one guy, Casey Abrams, had the lowest number of viewer votes and was heading off the show, but evidently the judges can issue one save in a season. Last night, they surprising used there save with 10 other people left to eliminate.

What I was so amazed by was the emotional reaction of both the artist and his ‘competition’ to being redeemed by the judges. It so uplifting to see how overtaken he was- how joyful, how thankful, how overwhelmed. When he thanks the judges he says something like “why would you do this with so many left to eliminated”, essentially saying “Why did you spend that one save on me?” And then his competition seemed to be incredibly happy for him as well with all the hugging, crying and jumping.

Hm, emotional after being redeemed? Excited about being saved. Thrilled about being given a second chance. Seems slightly familiar!

Because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. Hebrews 10:14

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