Daily Post

Fantasy Lost

Well, I had been winning my fantasy league until last night!  I went head to head with the other team with a 7-3 record and come up short – 4 points short.  And today I can blame it on the coaching!  Not, the highly paid NFL coaches, I can blame it on this blogger’s coaching.  I guessed wrong.  I benched the players who scored touchdowns, and I played the players who forgot they had a game to play!  But really who would play Mark Sanchez over Kyle Orton or Forte over Bradshaw?  The inconsistency of it all is about to make me pull my hair out!  One week 2 touchdowns 150 yards, the next 25 yards and fumble! Who should I bench now!

The inconsistency of that fantasy football stuff started me thinking.  I found myself thinking about our spiritual lives.  We’re hot, we’re cold.  We fight off the devil, we let him win.  Man, if our Creator was playing Fantasy Spiritual Living, he would be going crazy with out inability to keep high scores each week.  But then again, he’s used to it – as he struggled with the nation of Israel for years in the love-love-not-so-much relationship.

However, he is always there.  He never trades us, he never benches us.  He is still there despite our selfish ambition and our affairs with Satan.

8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 (New International Version, ©2010)

Wow. I don’t know about you, but I find comfort in knowing that. Despite my inconsistencies, he’s still the same, and still full of forgiveness.
Maybe, I just found a new coaching technique.