Daily Post

360 Degrees

This is something I should probably not write about in public.  Yesterday I had to do the 360 reviews for my peers.  For the most part those were really easy.  Identifying the good in those people I work with and lovingly showing them where they could improve.

But then it was time to do my managers.  The software we use puts a little timer up in the corner that starts at 20 minutes and count down the amount of time that you have had the review open.  I found myself just staring at the questions, watching the timer go down.  The hard part of this evaluation was not trying to figure out what my manager was doing right or wrong but how much of what I thought he was doing right or wrong was because of me and my attitude.

Is he really not listening, or am I not expressing myself well enough?
Does he really not think my ideas are not important, or do I not provide him with the information he needs to see the value?

Is this why they call them 360’s and not 180’s?  By evaluating someone else, am I really just evaluating myself?

 3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4 (New International Version)

So the timer ticked down to 2 minutes, and the screen was virtually empty.  Which direction should I go?  I proceeded with some honest answers, cleansed from my personal concerns and bias, but at the same time I mentally evaluated by own approach to work and the relationships make up those days.

That’s an interesting exercise, one that I still despise, but at least one that I found value in this year. So as you go about 360’s yourself  think about how you interact with these people and how that relationship brings glory to God. If your job doesn’t require them, spend a few moments thinking about those relationships.