Daily Post

Pity Parties

Man, have you ever had those days where you just want to complain and grip and spend the day saying “whoa is me…”?

I think I started the day that way today.  I even told Amy as she left for the day, “My day is gonna suck!”.  (yes, I know one of the S words, right behind ‘shut up’ and “stupid” that I should not be using”).   But really, do you ever feel that way.

I left for my run, with that attitude, returned with that attitude and then sat at this keyboard for 25 minutes with that attitude.  Stewing.  However, something deep down inside kept telling me, no, that’s not the way it is.

The fact is that it’s easy for us to let the world force us to think about ourselves and our supposed problems and to crowd out what is good around us.  I think I have been writing about this a little too much over the last few weeks.  But its not just because I struggle here, its because I know from other conversations that we all do.

I canceled the pity party this morning, washing it down the drown with the shower water.  It’s no way to approach the day.  It’s no way to impact others. Why does that verse in Philippians keep haunting me?

3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.  Philippians 2:3-4

Lets be humble, and more concerned about others then our own simple lives.  No Self-Pity Parties today!