Daily Post

Lights, Camera, Faith and Action

Yesterday I was given the chance to teach some junior high boys about the story of Rahab.  It’s good to talk to boys about spy stories and Bond girls! Especially when you get to show them cool movie trailers about the whole Jericho thing like this one.

JERICHO from Rob McLellan on Vimeo.

So on to Rahab, the main character of the story.  It’s pretty amazing to see how God uses a person of ill repute, and calls them out as a great person of faith.  We see this a lot with our Lord.  He calls out the people that we would consider trash, or sinful, and creates a wonderful story of redemption, forgiveness and triumph.  From the bible, in 5 seconds, I can think, of the women at the well, Zacchaeus, Moses, and Paul, to name just a few.

That’s pretty good for us to know, on two accounts.  First, there is always hope for us.  God loves to offer forgiveness!  And Second, we should let God do the judging of people, and we should look for ways to lift all people up – no matter what we think about them.

We love, love love the first!  We like the second… on paper. But not as much in practice.  Today, think about that a little.  Think about how you are treating those around you and put the second idea into practice.  You may be amazed to see what a little bit of faith and action can do.


24 You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone. 25 In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? 26As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. James 2:24-26 New International Version (NIV)



Daily Post

Go and Do Likewise

Yesterday I had the pleasure of teaching the parable of the Good Samaritan to a group of teenagers.  Yeah, what fun is that  – you talk, they stare at you like you are not human.

But despite that I think they heard something, and the main thing I told them, is probably something all of us could be reminded of as well.

Before this parable Jesus has been asked to clarify who a person’s neighbor is.  He tells a story that we all know pretty well about a man and his rescuer.  He finished the story by with this little exchange:

  36“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” Luke 10:36-37

This is really interesting, as if I can paraphrase that last bit, it might be like this:

“Go and have mercy on those who hate you, oh and also have mercy on those that you hate.”

And that’s a pretty amazing way of showing who are neighbor is that we are commanded to show love towards ( with as much love as we show ourselves!!!)

Well, what else can I say, except – Go and Do Likewise!





Daily Post

Go and Do…

After years spending time strapped to a phone, I have developed quite an inability to focus on one task for very long and more recently a strong desire to do.

And because of that, I think, these words popped into my head this morning

Go and do likewise.


36“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” Luke 10:36-37 NIV


If you remember, this these words are the conclusion of the story of the Good Samaritan. Jesus’ words are all about action!  He tells us that we should go.  But not only go, but show mercy and help those who we pass, passing along the mercy that we live with.

What do you say,  Should we start off our Monday morning, by remembering to GO and DO likewise?

Daily Post

Laziness, or Fear?

Last night I was laying in bed recounting my day, and I thought to myself – was that it?  I mean really, what did I do?  Yes,there were some great highlights, like dinner with some good friends and time with my family.  But what did I do?  And I as I lay there, ending another day on this wonderful planet, I wondered to myself, are all the days to be like this, or is there something else that I am to be doing.

Of course, then I fell into hours of sleeping!

But as I awoke, to the same radio station, which somehow plays just about the same songs everyday at the same time, I started another day of sameness – checking email, Facebook and twitter – catching up on the events of the night time, and making sure nothing ‘important’ happened in some other person’s  life.  That’s when I saw this tweet:

Spark Good (@sparkgood)
7/19/11 3:05 AM
RT @laura_ocean: bloggity blog:
read it.

There was something about this that was intriguing, so I did read it this morning and I think you should too. I do not know Laura Ocean, but I understand her babble this morning and I think her name is especially cool sounding.

I completely get her idea of being in a rut of habit – of being lazy, and watching others go and do, while I sit on the sidelines, not even adding a cheer.  It’s been driving me crazy of late.  I especially found this part of her post intriguing and personally relevant.

And then, instead of saying “you know what, you’re right Nike. Thanks!” and then trotting off to go do it, I find some little distraction, something that doesn’t really move me in the right direction, and go do that instead. Because its easier. It won’t require sacrifice. It doesn’t sting when it goes wrong.
But how many times have I heard and seen evidence of how important and just awesome it is when we do the things we were created to do, no matter the cost, despite the potential and inevitable failures, risking what we cling to most – our pride – and humble ourselves to the point of, heaven forbid,

being who we are supposed to be.

There is such a challenge in her words – and quite a clever observation of the state of our lives. One that I think many of us can relate.  This is a big challenge.  To get out of our habits of ‘laziness’ and into a habit of being and doing and impacting. So, today, start something new – don’t just agree – but begin to move. Don’t try to be someone else, but do the things that you are meant to do to reach others and really live this life.

18Jesus came to them and said: “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth! 19Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, 20and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.” Matthew 28:18-20 CEV

11Christ chose some of us to be apostles, prophets, missionaries, pastors, and teachers, 12so that his people would learn to serve and his body would grow strong. 13This will continue until we are united by our faith and by our understanding of the Son of God. Then we will be mature, just as Christ is, and we will be completely like him. 14We must stop acting like children. We must not let deceitful people trick us by their false teachings, which are like winds that toss us around from place to place. 15Love should always make us tell the truth. Then we will grow in every way and be more like Christ, the head 16of the body. Christ holds it together and makes all of its parts work perfectly, as it grows and becomes strong because of love. Ephesians 4:11-16 (Contemporary English Version)

Daily Post


This past weekend I went to see The Blindside with my family.  What a great movie and a great story.    If you don’t know, its a movie based on a true story about a Memphis family who takes in an inner city boy, provides him with a family and guides him through college and into the NFL as a number one draft pick.

Its a great story of a family doing something that requires faith – reaching out of their comfort zone to impact a person.  What a chance they seem to have taken to open up their home to a complete stranger from a really really difficult background.  Its a great movie that, for me at least, challenged me to continue to move my faith out of the “church building” and into the streets.  If you have not seen this movie, I would recommend that you head over to your favorite theater, get the number one special ( a large refillable popcorn and two 73,434,384,379 ounce refillable drinks) and watch this one, and then contemplate what you are doing in your life that requires you to live out your faith.

Then as this week heads right into its grand crescendo ( did I mention that there are only 3 more days until Christmas), consider this:  God loved you so much that he sent his son to this nasty sin-filled Earth.  He sent him from Heaven to become a man.

1 John 3:16-20 (New International Version)

16This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 17If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 18Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 19This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence 20whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.

God loved you, he sent his Son, who then died on the cross, because he loved you.  How can these things move us to put our faith into action – to put love into action.

Let us love, let us find a way to live out our faith.  Take a step today towards  action.   I think God will be protecting your Blindside.