Daily Post


Today is March 1st, and its a day full of distractions.  The first of March, is it in like a lion or a lamb?  Its the second day of the Hindu holiday Holi.  There’s a full moon.  Its National Peanut Butter Lovers Day.  There’s talk of another big snow event in the southeast. Its almost Spring.  March Madness is right around the corner. And I am sure you can add lots of other things to the day. A day of distractions.

My youngest son turns 10 today.  I still remember being at the hospital and getting a call from a boss at the time.  She was asking me if I could get a report complete and to her by the end of the day. I told her that I was a little distracted at the time, and probably would not be able to accomplish that today .  Finally, remembering what was going on, she realized the ridiculous nature of her request and started apologizing immediately. Distractions.

Distractions from the goal at hand are always present, its our job to filter them out and focus on the goal, the prize.  But boy is it hard some times, I find my self so easily distracted that its absolutely infuriating.  Today’s buffet is a few verses to help you (me) keep your (my) spiritual focus.

24 Put away perversity from your mouth;
keep corrupt talk far from your lips.

25 Let your eyes look straight ahead,
fix your gaze directly before you.

26 Make level [a] paths for your feet
and take only ways that are firm.

Proverbs 4:24-26 (New International Version)

2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:2 (New International Version)

Stay focused on your spiritual goal today, and avoid the distractions!

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