Daily Post

Investing in Others

That last few days writing has not been my thing.  It’s not that my mind is empty, it’s just that the thoughts are marinating and not ready to leak out yet.  Writing seems to be that way, sometimes the thoughts flow and something they are sticky.   Also, I have been traveling some and have not had a lot of keyboard time, when I can write.


Anyway, I did take a brain break on a rainy evening this week and take in the new movie Equalizer.   I am not sure I would recommend it. It’s a pretty good thriller, but lots of killing, and I mean lots and mostly by one guy – the good guy!    I did want to mention however, that his character is interesting.  He is dealing with a world of personal pain, but instead of feeling sorry for himself, he turns his energy toward others.  He takes a strong interest in helping people he encounters who need a helping hand.  This part of his character was intriguing. I thought it was a good example of how followers of the Christ should invest in those we meet.  Always trying to make those around us better by offering encouragement, listening and pointing to a better way.

Think about that as you deal with others today.

11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)

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