Daily Post


As many of you are aware, with all the traveling I am doing these days, I am a new-found lover of podcasts.  Yesterday I was catching up on some of the Catalyst Leader podcast when I heard a question that made me pause the audio and stop and think.  What is so neat is that it was not really the topic of conversation, the question was a side comment that the host said to his trusty sidekick.  The question was “Who are you investing in?”

Who are you investing in?

That is a powerful question as it assumes an active interest in other people and a purposeful approach to leading beyond yourself.  It implies knowledge sharing, and a dedication to others.

If you can’t answer that question immediately, spend some time and think it.  Are you going to hoard all the knowledge and experience that you carry around with you?  Or will you purposefully, with great intent, invest it in someone else?

Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning. Proverbs 9:9 (NIV)