Daily Post

Proclaim Liberty

Its great to be back to the keyboard, buffeting away after a week at the beach in the RAIN!  No oil at all, only rain from the recent Hurricane, aptly named after my eldest.  Anyway, I big shout out to Ray, Joel, and Jeff for filling in during my hiatus.

I am sure most of you are still enjoying the day off work, celebrating our nations 234th birthday.  234 years of freedom!  That’s so great, however, since I remember alot of the bicentennial celebration, 234 sure makes me feel older!

On my drive back I heard the DJ on an Atlanta station was talking about the Liberty Bell in Philly, and mentioned the verse that is etched in the bell.  That seemed to be a good verse to share today as we continue to celebrate.

proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants.  Leviticus 25:10

Get out there today and proclaim liberty, but remember to use it for good.

16Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. 1 Peter 2:16 (New International Version)